Advantages of our exchange service
We provide an easy-to-use exchange that rewards users with the exchange fees.
Exchanging is easy and completed in as little as 5-30mins.
Low Fees from 1%, with no sign-up or registration needed.
Over 200 of your favorite coins/tokens to exchange from.
Using a trusted proprietary API for processing exchanges.
Become a DIVS token holder and receive weekly rewards in Tron.
How can our exchange service help your business?
Divs provides an use-to-use exchange service branded specifically to your companies needs. Have your own branded exchange widget absolutely free, on-boarding new customers into your ecosystem with ease. No longer will your users need to go to Binance and make a technical trade as users will be able to make an exchange directly through your own site against 200 other cryptocurrencies, in as little as 5 minutes. Our exchange service gives your customers the same benefits of having multiple centralized exchanges into one small interface, easy enough for anyone to use, all from your website. Our team can work with you to design the look of the exchange to fit your needs like logos, colors, and coin list absolutely free.
How can your Team and/or community benefit from the exchange fees?
By purchasing and staking DIVS tokens one can earn Tron as rewards from when users make exchanges. No matter if the exchange is on our website, your website or someone else's website, all of the exchange fees equivalent to .5% of the total exchange volume is distributed to any DIVS token holder who stakes, in the form of Tron. Your team could also stake earning these fees using these rewards for your team or community.
How does the exchange work?
We deliver an exchange interface that links together large centralized exchanges like Binance, Kucoin, and others into one easy-to-use exchange interface. This gives users the benefits of using multiple exchanges without the complexity, users only need to select what coins/tokens they would like to exchange, the amount, and send them to the provided address. The API will perform the exchange sending the coin/tokens to the user's provided address. We use centralized exchanges for their large liquidity, speed, and variety of coins/tokens. This ensures users get the selection they desire at the best price, even on large trades as we search multiple exchanges giving users the best possible rate.
The exchange fees
All exchanges have a minimum 1% fee, .5% goes to any DIVS token holder who stakes, .09% goes to the Divs team, .01% will be used to buy divs tokens every week and burn them. The rest of the fees go to our API provider for processing exchanges. Depending on the coin/tokens you are exchanging these fees could be higher. If the coin/token you're exchanging is experiencing a high number of transactions on its blockchain and is congested, your exchange fees may be higher (this has to do with the blockchain of the coin/token you are using).
What’s The Catch?
We provide you with our exchange absolutely free. This includes the default exchange styling branded entirely for your business, all with your own logos, colors, and coin list of choice. Our team can also make a 100% custom design specific to your site or application needs with little to no cost. Now, If you'd like to integrate our exchange service with the default styling we can make a design in your colors and logos in about a week, all for free. In short, you get your own exchange branded to you absolutely free, the only catch is if you want to earn the fees that come from exchanges, you need to buy and stake DIVS tokens just like everyone else. Though this is optional, This a crucial part of how business model and tokenomics work, as more projects integrate the exchange into their sites, Buy and stake Divs tokens, this will bring a wider coverage of the exchange, generating more volume, more rewards, and more buyers of the Divs tokens.
We provide an easy-to-use exchange for anyone to use or integrate into their sites or applications. Providing business with an easy on-ramp for their users with a simple exchange interface while strengthening projects/communities’ ecosystems with weekly rewards.