From : 2021-12-14
To : 2021-12-21
Total exchange volume in BTC : 0.24978809228858279
Step 1:
Select the coins/tokens you would like to trade by using the dropdown menu on the exchange, Then input the amount you would like to trade, and click exchange to proceed.
Step 2:
A. If the exchange asks you what network you are sending from check the associated box i.e. BNB, ETH or other.

B. Input your receiving address for the coin/token you are exchanging into.

C. If the exchange asks you what network would you like to receive from check the associated box i.e. BNB, eth or other.

D. Click exchange to continue.

E. Depending on the coin/token you are exchanging or the network you selected, the exchange may ask you to input the memo/destination tag associated with your receiving address, i.e. memo tag: 1234567
NOTE: if you do not have a memo tag associated with your receiving address click the checkbox that reads “If you don't have a memo tag, please check this box and leave the field blank “ and be sure to leave the memo tag field blank.

F. Depending on the coin/token you are exchanging or the network you selected, the exchange may tell you to please include the provided memo tag along with the receiving address when sending funds, otherwise your funds may be lost, is not responsible for any lost funds.
Step 3:
Lastly send funds to the provided address, remembering to include the memo tag when sending funds only if you see one on screen. Please be patient while the network confirms your transaction. Once confirmed you will see the exchange change from ‘awaiting deposit’ to ‘Network Confirmation’ and in 5-30 minutes you will receive your exchanged funds in the receiving address you provided.